Education: Adults
You are never too old to learn. Our adult Sunday school allows you the freedom to ask questions, request prayer and learn more about the Bible and your relationship with Christ. Just come once and you begin to see how it can make an eternal difference in your life and the life of your family. We meet at 10:00am on Sunday mornings.
We offer 2 adult Sunday school classes:
Large adult class for all ages:
Meets in the Sanctuary
Teachers: Gary Dyer, Tom Fryman
Charlie Scearce, Keith Windam
Ladies Class:
Teacher: Diane Faucette
Other ages:
• Youth
• Children
• Nursery
Education: Youth
Our youth (12 1/2 and up) are excited about the Lord.
Besides attending Sunday school our youth also have:
We love to visit new folks as well as those we have not seen in a while or those that are sick.
• Team Truth, Evangelism program
• Mission trips
• Lock-ins
• Visit other churches/revivals
Besides attending Sunday school our youth also have:
We love to visit new folks as well as those we have not seen in a while or those that are sick.
• Team Truth, Evangelism program
• Mission trips
• Lock-ins
• Visit other churches/revivals
Vacation Bible School
We are so blessed to have Uncle A, Pastor Arnold Comer, and Aunt Patsy, Patsy Comer host our VBS for the last several years. They bring a God honoring Spirit and humbleness to the whole week of adventure. God has saved many children and even adults over the years during VBS. It is a great opportunity to win people to Christ.

The Bus ministry is a very important part of our ministry. We average 50 children and adults on Wednesday and a few less on the Sunday Morning. We go out each week to find new people and visit the regular riders to encourage them to be in church.

Our church united with Pastor Bill Bean and his youth of Guiding Light Baptist Church. It was a tremendous time. We met in a local neighborhood each day and did crafts with the kids. We also ministered in the rest homes. We had 6 professions of faith that week. We thank God for all He does through us.