In 2000, God sent the Swiatocho’s to BBC. Pastor Chris has had a vision for our Church since the beginning! God has lead him to start many ministries & projects to help grow the people here at Bible Baptist Church. He strives to do all to the Glory of God. He has been a blessing to us the past 20 years! Mrs. Leslie has been our Pastor's Wife & pianist here at Bible Baptist Church for these 20 years. Raising 3 children throughout the years of ministry, she has been such a blessing to us! She teaches music at our Christian School, Holden Beach Christian Academy. Recently, God has called he and his family into full time evangelism with Anchor Baptist Missions International. We are so very thankful for the years Pastor and his family gave to this church.
God will continue to bless this great church under the new leadership He will provide.
Pastor Chris Swiatocho & Family (Pictured from left to right) Shepherd, Abby, Chris, Leslie, Keely